Tips to improve your CV

  • January 09, 2022
man with pen

8 tips to help improve your CV

We’ve gathered our top 8 tips to improve your CV so that you can impress employers and land the interview.

You’ve got the right experience and you know you would be a great fit, however, you just don’t seem to be getting those interviews. It seems crazy to think that the one thing holding you back from your dream job could be your CV. First impressions mean everything and, in most cases, the first point of contact you will have with a potential employer is your resume. There could be a few different reasons your CV is letting you down, here are eight CV tips for you.

applying for job from coffee shop

1. Think about the style of your CV

The font needs to be clear and readable for your employer and this also counts for aesthetics. The aim is to get everything across in 10 seconds, so think about using bullet points and don’t make it complicated!

2. Adjust the layout of your CV

Can you imagine being an employer and receiving hundreds of applications for a role? Would you spend the time reading through pages and pages of irrelevant experience? We recommend keeping your CV to a maximum of two pages. On average, readers absorb 60% of the first page, 40% of the second and anymore is generally a waste. This space should consist of your most recent experience including the dates and months of each employment. You need a clear and concise layout to help the employer skim through your CV and pick out your key skills.

3. Stick to the Truth

In no way is it ever okay to lie about your experience on your CV. It’ll be obvious in your new role that you don’t really know how to do what you’ve promised. If your application is honest and you are employed despite not having the relevant experience, you can save the embarrassment and get trained in that field properly – The payoff will be much more rewarding!

4. Make your CV stand out

We’re not saying you need to add glitter but always remember that your application will most likely be one of many. Think of ways you can get your personality across on your CV. It could be that you include an interesting skill or fact about yourself. Hobbies are a great way to include your personality, however, always try and link this back to an achievement e.g. ran a marathon and raised £1,000 for charity. It’s a great talking point for your interview and it may be something you’re remembered by.

signing a contract

5. Try using active verbs

Using active verbs on your CV can signal to employers that you’re confident in your abilities. Showcasing your skills with an active voice is a great way to impress the person reading your CV or application. 


6. Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes 

Believe it or not, the incorrect spelling of just one word could be enough to make your potential employer disregard your application. Always proof your CV before sending it, even if you have used it before because you could have missed something last time. Sending it to friends and family members is a great and free way to get it checked. Another option is to get your resume read over by a professional. Stonor Recruitment offers a free CV check if you apply for a role through us.

7. Make sure your email address sounds professional

When employers review your CV, they tend to scrutinise every part. Even something as trivial as an inappropriate email address can make employers think that you are unprofessional and not taking the application process seriously. Make sure you keep the address simple and use your full name.   

8. Tailor your CV so that it’s the perfect fit for the company

Want that dream job? It is essential that you tailor your CV to the role you’re applying for. Think like a salesperson and what your potential new employer wants. Thoroughly read the job description and highlight any skills that match. Even go as far as reflecting this in your personal profile at the top of your CV. It will be your key to success if you can demonstrate your relevant experience.

In conclusion, always triple check your curriculum vitae to ensure that there are no errors, make sure it is easily readable and relevant to the role you’re applying for and don’t be afraid to add some of your personality. You never know, your potential employer could have the same interests as you! Contact Stonor Recruitment today.